Cleaning companyAn ultimate guide to sertu cleaning

Cleaning is an essential aspect of daily life. Apart from physical cleanliness, spiritual cleanliness exists too! One such practice is the Islamic purification process known as Sertu. It is mandatory for Muslims who have come into contact with human remains, bodily fluids, or animal carcasses. This article serves as an ultimate guide on Sertu cleaning, explaining how it differs from other types of cleaning. Before diving in, we will take a look into the three main categories of Sertu cleaning:

1. Hygienic cleaning/cleansing

This type of cleaning usually aims to prevent the spread of infection by reducing the number of microorganisms on surfaces or objects. Chemical disinfectants and cleaning agents are common solutions used during the process. Hygienic cleaning is essential in maintaining cleanliness but it may not necessarily match the requirements of Sertu cleaning.

2. Holistic cleaning/cleansing

Holistic cleaning or cleansing revolves around physical cleaning, as well as emotional and spiritual cleansing. It involves creating a harmonious environment that promotes mental and physical well-being. Holistic cleaning may include practices such as meditation, aromatherapy, and energy clearing.

3. Sertu or Islamic cleansing

Sertu is also known as purification cleaning. Muslims who have come into contact with bodily fluids, animal carcasses, or human remains are mandated to perform the cleansing. Typically conducted before offering prayers and other religious activities, Sertu or islamic cleansing involves purifying oneself spiritually and physically.

Meanwhile, here is what you should take note of with regards to Sertu cleaning: 

1. First wash

To start the process of Sertu cleaning, remember to wash seven times first, mixing water with soil for one of the washes. The soil used should be just enough to make a suspension. Even if some washes are required, the first wash is critical and shall clear the existence of ‘najs', which is any substance that is considered impure in Islam. The subsequent washes are only deemed valid if the impurity is removed.

2. Second wash

After the first wash, the water will be disposed of. The next wash shall be counted as the second wash. This is to ensure that only fresh and clean water is used for cleansing. Excessive soil can cause the water to become murky and difficult to use for cleaning. If you need more clarification on how to carry out Sertu cleaning, feel free to seek professional advice from certain cleaning companies in Singapore.

Learn more: 5 most overlooked places to clean at home

3. Type of solution 

You may use cleansing agent-containing soil to perform the cleaning, if soil is not readily available. Make sure the soil does not contain any harmful chemicals or toxins.

4. The flow of the cleansing and rinsing water 

During the Sertu process, it is important to control the flow of the cleansing and rinsing water into proper drainage and drains. Doing so prevents the spread of impurities and ensures cleanliness in the surrounding area.

All in all, Sertu cleaning is an essential practice in Islam, empowering spiritual and physical purity. Incorporating this cleaning process into your daily routine promotes both physical cleanliness and spiritual well-being.

HandyFix is a handyman and cleaning company. We also provide disinfection services in Singapore

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